The economists’ functions are provisioned by virtue of their Professional Statutes, as approved by Decree 871/1977 of 26th April ( published in BOE 28 April 1977).
Economists are authorised to study and to offer technical solutions to the questions of both General Economics (MACROECONOMICS) or Business Economics (BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MICROECONOMICS) in any of its aspects, to carry out the relevant tasks, issue the corresponding opinions or reports and to act as advisors or counsellors ( Article 2)
Economists may practice their profession as self-employed professionals or under a labour or administrative relationship with an employer
A) MACROECONOMICS (General Economics) Economists have the right to carry out the following functions: ( article 3 )
a) To practice as an economist, as set out in the Uniform International Classification of the Labour Office (I.L.O.) of Geneva, and duly accepted by Spain.
b) To carry out studies related to the planning, programming and economic development of the country, both in partial and overall aspects, by means of application of the relevant techniques.
c) To carry out studies and reports on the determination of Gross National Product, levels of employment, volume of investments and all other aspects of macroeconomics as well as those concerning the behaviour of the economic system and the results of political-economic measures.
d) To take part in the Special Commission on Municipalisation or Provincialisation of services and of the other territorial entities e) To carry out teaching duties under the conditions set out by law.
B) MICROECONOMICS (Business Economics)
a) Business Administration, Organisation and Management
b) Financial Audit
c) Financial advisory services
d) Accounting advisory services
e) Tax advisory services
f) Consultancy
g) Commercial Research and Planning, marketing techniques, external commerce
h) Actuarial and risks systems
i) Personnel selection and integration, work methods and administrative
j) Data processing and treatment of business information
k) Arbitration, Mediation and judicial matters (insolvencies, experts…)
l) Statistical studies and economic, accounting and financial documentation
m) Teaching an all other functions entrusted to them by law