Spanish professions are organised, at the highest level and with official recognition into professional organisations ( «Colegios Profesionales») that are regulated by Law 2/1974.This Act has been updated in 1979, 1999, 2000 and 2009 (due to the Directive of Services 2006/123/CE reform).
In Spain there are two professions related to the economic and business administration area: ECONOMISTAS AND TITULARES MERCANTILES
The «Consejo General de Colegios de Economistas de España», CGCEE, was founded in 1971 (The first «Colegio de Economistas» in 1953).
The Consejo General de Colegios de Titulares Mercantiles, CGTM, was founded in 1942.
In 2011, both CGCEE and CTM merged and therefore the «Consejo General de Economistas, CGE» was created.
In 2011 Economistas and Titulares mercantiles, the two traditional professions related to economics and business administration merged. Therefore, since then, the Consejo General de Economistas, CGE, represent both professions.There are currently 48 Colegios de Economistas and Titulares Mercantiles within Spain of which more than 50,000 economists are members.
The CGE is presently regulated by Act /2011, 4 October, creation of Consejo General de Economistas (BOE 5 October 2011) and Royal Decree 900/2017, e 6 de October (published in BOE 11 November 2017). It is responsible for regulating, defending and representing the profession of economists both at national and international level.
The CGE has the official recognition that the Law grants to graduate professionals, each one of its members having a DEGREE in ECONOMICS, BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, FINANCE, ACCOUNTING (3/4/5 years at University, some with Doctorate). An economist is therefore a graduate in these degrees (or other related to this economic-business field according to the Bologna Process) that belongs to one of the Colegios de Economistas or Colegios de Titulares Mercanatiles. Only professionals holding one of these official degrees that belong to a Colegio de Economistas, can use the title of ECONOMIST ( «ECONOMISTA») or «TITULADO MERCANTIL».
UNIVERSITY DEGREE («including recent Bologna reform») IN
(member of a Colegio de Economistas
or Titulares Mercantiles)
Article 1 of Decree 871/1977 of 26th April ( published in BOE 28 April 1977): BYLAWS OF THE ECONOMIST AND TITULADO MERCANTIL