Education and training: is one of the main services offered by the Consejo General de Colegios de Economistas through the specialised sections: REA, REAF, REFOR,EC, ECN, EAF… They all offer post-graduate courses in the areas of economics, administration, fiscal matters, management, Insolvency practitioners, accountancy, auditing, IT,etc.
Publications: books, articles and professional material on accounting, auditing, fiscal matters, insolvency information techonologies, economics, newsletters,…
Advice: information and legal support to members on professional matters.
National Conferences on Economics: every three years a Colegio de Economistas organise a National Conference in which different topics on economics are exposed : the VII National Conference, «Europe in a global economy» was held in A Coruña on September 2005. The Nobel Prize, Mr. Joseph Stiglitz adressed a conference about «a global economy in Europe». In 2008, the VIII National Conference took place in Zaragoza, under the Expo.
Congresses of the special sections of CGE: they also have their own professional meetings every t wo years: taxes, auditing, Court proceedings…
CGE organises annually the «Economist Forum», Professional Seminar, including professional areas within CGE: auditing, accounting, tax advising, insolvency,human resources, economics and business administration education.
CGCEE has signed multiple Agreements with national, international organizations and with both public and private institutions:
- Electronic Signature: Firma profesional and SRC Registradores. Standard XBRL
- Data Protection: Agencia Española Protección de Datos
- Creation of Companies through internet: PAIT (Mº de Industria, Turismo y Comercio)
- AEAT: Agencia Española de Administración Tributaria
- Financial Education: Banco de España and CNMV
- RECOL: Red Colegios Profesionales
- Information Systems: FUNDETEC and IMQ (ISO 27001)
- FIASEP: Public Auditing
- Banks: Santander, Sabadell
- Insurances (life, civil liability, health): Sanitas, Mapfre, Axa
- Economic Newspapers: Expansión, Cinco Días, El Economista
- Agreements with professional organizations of France, Italy, Portugal and different countries of South America