The CGE has been delegated with certain functions related to the main activities exercised by economists in its specialised sections set up to meet the technical needs of it members and to provide them with services:
- Registro de Economistas Auditores, REA in 1982 (Auditing)
- Registro de Economistas Asesores Fiscales, REAF in 1988 (Tax Advisors)
- Registro de Economistas Docentes e Investigadores, REDI in 1996 (in Education)
- Registro de Economistas Forenses, REFOR in 1999 (Experts at Courts Proceedings)
- Registro de Expertos en Cumplimiento Normativo y Digitalización, ECN in 2002 (Experts in Compliance and Digitalisation) (the previous body was created in 1986)
- Economistas Contables, EC (Experts in Accounting) in 2008
- Economistas Asesores Financieros, EAF: (Economists Financial Advisers in Stock Exchange Markets) in 2008
- Economistas Asesores Laborales, EAL: (Economists Labour advisers) in 2008.
- Expertos en Marketing y Comercialización, EMC: (Marketing and Merchandising) in 2018.
Other Working Parties have been set up to deal with the following aspects of the professional activity of economists:
- Environment
- Arbitration and Mediation
- Town planning
- Deontology
The number of members of the specialised sections within Consejo General de Economistas, CGE, are as follows:
- REA (auditors): 6.500
- REAF (tax advisers): 6.000
- REFOR (Insolvency practitioners): 2.100
- EC (Accountants): 3.000
- REDI (Professors,Teachers and Researches): 1.100
- ECN (Compliance and Digitalization): 300
- EAL (Human resources consultants): 2.000
- EAF (financial advice): 80